Swipe, Create, Earn

The future of social media

SolSwipe provides creators with a decentralized platform to share their short-form videos, leveraging the efficiency and scalability of the Solana Blockchain for seamless sharing and monetization opportunities. A platform with no manipulation or corruption, the new era of social media is here.

We Stand Out From The Rest

See some of our core features

Super Like

Show your support for your favourite creators by tipping them directly with $swipes


Experience personalized content tailored to your preferences with each swipe, with our next-gen AI algorithm


Revenue of all monetization will be distributed between token holders

Security certificate

We Cut Out

The Middle Man

See how advertising revenue is distributed

Advertisers & Wallet holders

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One small step for
One giant leap for decentralization

Post Launch

Finish Beta testing and launch V1 of web app.


Exclusive partnership with top creators to increase initial user base.


get SolSwipe more accessible to the everyday user and start strategic partnerships to grow in different markets.


Add extra improvements and features such as Lives and Monetization. $Swipe will be used for all transactions.


Once SolSwipe is independently functioning, we will convert to a DAO to ensure full decentralization

Tokenomics Explained

Discover how $SWIPE will be distributed between token holders and the future of the project.

Total Max Supply: 100 Million

Liquidity: 35%
Presale: 25%
Development: 13%
Marketing: 8%
Team/Advisors:: 5%
CEX Listings:: 7%
Creator Rewards: 7%